DCZ Programmable Control Keyboard with joystick and jogshuttle

DCZ Programmable Control Keyboard with joystick and jogshuttle

The DCZ keyboard comes with jog shuttle, joystick 38 backlit keys, alarm buzzer, and allows the management of CCTV applications from a PC, via USB connection. It can be easily integrated with control systems using basic programming techniques without an SDK.

The keys are recognized in any combination configured by the programmer: the application receives an event message whenever a key is pressed or released.

The DCZ keyboard can control PC applications already on the market, emulating a 4-axis 32 keys HID joystick. It can also be used together with ordinary PC peripheral devices such as keyboards, mouse, joysticks or other accessories.

It is USB powered and so requires only one cable.

The use of the keyboard can be made even more intuitive by personalizing the captions on the key panel: the user can easily personalize the key panel by printing the pre-cut sheets, supplied with the keyboard.

The keyboard can be turned round so that both right- and left-handed users can use all the functions with ease.

This simple, user-friendly and fully implementable DCZ keyboard allows a comfortable and intuitive management of CCTV applications from PC.