Fcc oet license application draft


Exhibit Types

Images: This should include clear, focused pictures of the overall appearance of the object showing all of its components. Only images in JPEG format will be accepted. This type of exhibit will only be accepted while the application is pending.
Post-Grant Documents: This type should include any documents that apply ONLY after a license or Special Temporary Authority has been granted. An example of a post-grant document is a letter of notification to the OET Experimental Licensing Branch that a license is no longer required by the licensee.
Text Documents: This type include all non-image documents that apply to a pending application. This type of exhibit will only be accepted while the application is pending.

Additional Information

Confidential Flag:
Exhibit Description: Please enter a brief, but specific description of the attachment to be uploaded. If this exhibit pertains to one of the required exhibits listed at the top of the exhibits entry page, that description should be entered here.
File Name: Please specify the actual file name to upload. You may select the "Browse" button to search your local or network hard drives for the file.
File Format: Please select the type of file that will be upload from the list. Please do not attempt to send a file whose type is not on this list.
File Number Please enter the file number provided at the time this application was submitted to the FCC. This number, as well as its associated confirmation number must be entered in order to proceed to the exhibit entry page. If the application was paper-filed, please contact the FCC OET Experimental Licensing Branch for this number.
Confirmation Number Please enter the confirmation number provided at the time this application was submitted to the FCC. This number, as well as its associated confirmation number must be entered in order to proceed to the exhibit entry page. If the application was paper-filed, please contact the FCC OET Experimental Licensing Branch for this number.