Bank Guarantees are issued to back-up performance and payment obligations on behalf of our customers on a wide range of contracts.
Bank Guarantees are issued to back-up performance and payment obligations on behalf of our customers on a wide range of contracts.
We offer different types of guarantees:
Issued to serve as a safeguard against the breach of contractual obligations.
Issued for the purpose of guaranteeing repayment of unsettled dues under credit facilities.
Issued favouring the Director General Customs in respect of import duty payable on goods imported. Depending on the purpose, different types of guarantee are issued.
Issued to local shipping agents on behalf of importers to clear goods in the absence of shipping documents.
Issued favouring various air lines on behalf of travel agents to procure stocks of air tickets and airway bills.
Issued to the Sri Lanka Foreign Employment Bureau on behalf of employment agencies.
Product information and terms & conditions are subject to change from time to time. Therefore, it is advisable to contact the branch nearest to you for the latest information and prevailing terms & conditions.
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